About Us
Our Mission
“to improve the health of people through informed decisions and actions to protect and promote health in an equitable manner”
Our Vision
“to provide better health and well-being for all people through evidence-based health approaches and programs that will ensure tangible public health impact at a population level”

CGPH-Pakistan being a partner of the University of Manitoba’s Institute for Global Public Health (UM-IGPH) and as its collaborative office in Pakistan, follows the University of Manitoba’s mandate to synergize research with health programs to translate knowledge gained in global and national public health research and projects for application in international and domestic public health settings. UM-IGPH through CGPH Pakistan, focuses on developing long term partnerships with Government and non-governmental organizations for provision of a technical support function to conduct multi-sector programmatic and epidemiological research, capacity development, and program implementation through effective and robust monitoring systems.
We focus on establishing sustainable, synergistic partnerships with national and local governments, academic and research institutions, civil society organizations, and other implementing partners. Through these partnerships, we work collaboratively to optimize public health programs and to generate and integrate evidence that informs context-specific public health policies and programs. Our work applies a Program Science approach, which aims to embed high-quality research and learning into programs to generate, translate, and integrate knowledge to optimize programs.
CGPH-Pakistan is the local collaborative office of the Institute for Global Public Health (IGPH), University of Manitoba, Canada which is a lead in the Global Program Science Initiative with Pakistan being one of the focused country of work.
Our work in Pakistan dates back to 2004, when we started working as the lead technical partner in a consortium led by Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd. to develop and implement the HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project from Nov 2004 till Jan 2012 which was funded by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Under this consortium, four rounds of HIV Surveillance have been conducted in Pakistan. The journey of our work in Pakistan is presented in the following illustration