
CGPH-Pakistan focuses on establishing sustainable, synergistic partnerships with national and local governments, academic and research institutions, civil society organizations & other implementing partners.

HIV/Aids & Key Populations

The key results of this project were: 

  • Assessment of prevalence of HIV and comorbidities such as TB and Hepatitis C among prisoners in selected prisons in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
  • Understanding and analyzing the behaviors that place these inmates at high risk of contracting HIV, HCV and TB in selected prisons in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Understanding and exploring the various gaps to scale up comprehensive intervention for prevention, treatment and care of HIV, TB & Hepatitis C in prisons.

Funding Agency: UNODC Pakistan 

The key result of this research was development of National Prevention Guidelines for Key Population to provide Pakistan with a Key Population prevention program framework based on principles of combination prevention. The guidelines are being used by the National HIV Prevention programs to provide services for key population in Pakistan.

Partner: National AIDS Control Program, UNAIDS and UNICEF

The key results were

  • Estimating the size of the selected Key populations through geographic and network mapping in different cities of Pakistan (Phase One – Programmatic Mapping)
  • Determining their socio-demographic profiles, HIV risk behaviors and HIV prevalence to inform the HIV prevention program in Pakistan (Phase Two – IBBS)

CGPH-Pakistan under collaboration with University of Manitoba was given the task to provide technical support which included development of technical protocol, provide guidance to government AIDS control program for implementing the data collection and data analysis with report writing for 5th HIV surveillance round. 5th surveillance round was a National scale study conducted in 23 cities/towns including 13 in Punjab, 6 in Sindh and 2 each in Balochistan and KPK.

Funding Agency: National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of National Health Services & Regulations, Islamabad, Pakistan

The project was implemented in selected cities of Pakistan.

The key results of the study were: Examining the social behaviours and injecting patterns of people who injected drugs (PWID) in six different cities in Pakistan. This helped in better understanding of HIV transmission in Pakistan and this information was used to improve HIV prevention policy and programs.

Partner:  University of Manitoba, Canada

In order to build a comprehensive picture of drug problem in Pakistan apart from National Household survey on Drug Abuse in Pakistan, CGPH collected data by interviewing drug users and key Informants including arrest data and treatment facilities. The key results were: Providing estimates of drug users in Pakistan aged 15-64 years and understanding of social and economic factors making the population vulnerable to drug use and related problems. 

Funding Agency: UNODC Pakistan

The project was implemented in 59 districts of Pakistan. The key results were: Collection of baseline information on the level and patterns of drug use at national and provincial level.

Funding Agency: UNODC Pakistan

The project was implemented in five selected prisons of Sindh, Pakistan. The key results were: Exploration of various threats inmates faced within prisons for HIV transmission and to determine the HIV prevalence among these prison inmates. The research project provided evidence of the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in prisons, as well as evidence of the prevalence of risk behaviors and HIV transmission in prisons. 

Funding Agency: UNODC Pakistan

The project was implemented in Punjab, Pakistan. The project aimed to contribute to a reduction in HIV incidence in Punjab by improving the scale, quality and impact of HIV prevention programs among key vulnerable populations, and utilizing surveillance and program data for program policy and design. The key results were:

  • Capacity development of human resource for research and delivery of effective prevention activities
  • Technical support for PACP to formulate knowledge products for designing HIV surveillance and KP prevention response 
  • Policy guidelines and development of PC-1, which was developed jointly by PACP and UM team

Partner: University of Manitoba & World Bank